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- Курсы английского в Днепре |
Я хожу на курсы английского в International House и довольна. Небольшие группы, приятная обстановка в аудитории и живое общение, а не работа с книгой. Всем советую эту школу.
Спасибо школе! Занимаюсь сама и уже подтянула подругу!И обе мы довольны своим выбором!
Отличные курсы! недавно только начала заниматься. Очень понравилось то, что все общаются между собой на английском! Это отличная практика в общении. Всем советую приходить сюда учиться, не пожалеете!
Это единственная школа в городе, где преподают только иностранцы, настоящие профессионалы!!! Школа в самом центре города и условия шикарные! Занятия всегда очень интересные, реально чувствуется результат после каждого урока.
Объективно лучшая школа в Донецке.
Why i chose IH DNK.(Sorry for my english i didnt use to study one before IH DNK, I'm a rookie in this trade).
Because of nice girls working here. Its only one reason. I think they are best of the best among languages schools in Dnepropetrovsk area...So, i came, looked at, and chose without hesitation. All is simple. I am not sure about female students but all guys with whom i tolked about chose the same way.
Another reason was, of course, not so important like first one, my wish to speak, to understand somebody , to write English.
Like many other begginers always do i was looking for information about schools on the internet. I visited several top rated (according to Google and students reviews) Dnepropetrovsk schools. There wasnt even mention about IH DNK.
But when i vizited last ones and passed entry test, for my wish to study English on only English i was answered i need to go studying to UK or Ireland or ...go hell. I was surprised, absolutely another things like "from begginer to advansed for 1 year" or " incredible opportunity to see once a week native speakers from USA" was written on i-net advertaisments and street leaflets . In addition it was very strange to watch a privat lesson with a student during my testing in the way like teacher ask on Russian something say and student must answer on English. These were the top school in the city - American English Center and Green Forest.
So i went to hell looking for schools in UK or Ireland on Britishcouncil.org. There was list of schools that provide exams preparation courses, where i met International house, one of the largest and oldest groups of language schools in the world. Thay provides course English on English from elementary to advansed for 5 years (this is a more appropriate time) based on Oxford programme. But last one often use The International House World Organisation rich worldwide experience for making Teacher Training programmes.
In my first visit on 01.10.2012 first scene i saw was little kids on 6 years asked teacher something on English and he answered them on clear native English.His name is Chris Cole from Marlborough, Wiltshire, England.UK. There were much lough and kids happines. If kids can i will not have problems too.You will absolutely wrong If you will think IH DNK teachers are only englishmen who can speak English.International House teachers write the course books.They are well educated persons. Now i know any of the course books used today by ELT teachers are written by teaching experts trained by International House. These include Headway, Cutting Edge, Language To Go, Natural Grammar and Fountain.
I was waiting my first lesson with worry but all went prefect. I saw that kids were more free in using english than adults in my pre-intermediate groop. But Chris sad he will be realy happy if everyone used only English on his lessons in conversations with each other .He didnt know russian . Now every member of our group no use russian.Chris is a realy master of his trade. He worked out on 100+more % on our lessons .Every one could see he is very tired at the end.Our group lesson is from 18.30 to 21.45.
Its clear Chris here is for expeirens that will help him to wright a great grammar book.
We all are happy to meet so Great Man like Chris Cole is.Thanks for that great opportunity to The International House World Organisation.
Sorry for my English i am only trying to make first step in english and i am sure i will be successful in near future with IH DNK help.
Dear unknown prospective student of English.
Have you ever studied English on English with Oxford program help and British teacher?
If yes, i am sure you have undestood what i meant, if no please listen to me.
What a beautiful combination is the studying program of oldest university in the English-speaking world, and the second-oldest surviving university in the world with teacher from south-west of England. If you will add to it reading some novels written by Charlotte Brontë, J.R.R. Tolkinen, Kate Atkinson and others it will be a fairy cocktail of sucsess on your way to glory. Plus to it listening to BBC-7 programms that give a living sound to that wonderful novels...Uhhhh...If you want reached profficency level of English,i am sure you want ,this combination will suit you perfectly.
Why Oxford program?
Hmm...First of all you will trust deeply in your soul to statements and explainations of rules written down in books.Not only becouse of that items have been published by Oxford university press,but for you you always will meet in this books the expressions like: we often say..., do you know this words..., we often use..., we put..., we make..., we often say..., do you know this words..., be carefull when..., in conversation we often ask..., do you know how to use...?, ...is more emphatic way of saying..., and more others frendly items. You feel existens of invisible Teacher that has 1000 years expeiarens in teaching English.Its teacher is the Oxford. And of course real teacher from UK will help you in any problemms.
Where can you find this opportunity to study English in thats way?
DEAR IH DNK staff in Dnipro.
Why do not you put a picture of your new teacher Daniel from Portsmouth,Hampshire,England,United Kingdom on the site.
He is a very clever man and a good educated teacher.He knows Greece and latin for example. He has good diction and intonation, rich vocabulary. He has deep knowledge of the history of the English language and the UK as a whole. I would recommend to all to attend his lessons, and especially those who aspire to the proficiency level of English.
I think the competition for the best teachers are not very relevant because the IH DNK has not bad teachers .
Here in Portsmouth,Hampshire,England,United Kingdom is a cohort of independent schools within the city – the oldest, founded in 1732, is The Portsmouth Grammar School which has been rated as one of the top public schools in the country.
Мой сын ходит в школу уже 3-й год с большим удовольствием. Могу сказать, что в общеобразовательной школе в классе он лучше всех знает английский. Выбирала школу долго, изучала рынок услуг, послушала ужасное произношение преподавателей в других школах и остановилась на Ih.Преподаватель из Англии это супер.
Сегодня администратор школы в Донецке сообщила, что по решению лондонского офиса групповые занятия больше проводиться не будут. Где теперь найти курсы для детей с носителями языка?
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